Each time I've gone up a pant size, I have promised myself that it won't happen again. But then it does. I am at a pant size I never thought I would reach and I have come to hate my body. PCOS makes it hard to loose weight, so I've never really tried. But it only makes it hard, it doesn't make it impossible.
This year, one of my resolutions, was to get my body in better shape. That included getting my foot looked at (and maybe my shoulder too), starting an excersice program, and starting a diet. It was probably the most important (and the hardest) goal I set for 2011, but I am just now getting started on it.
I know diets can't be taken lightly. I want to loose a lot of weight (I'm still deciding exactly how much) and that is going to take time. I'm still trying to figure out what is realistic, but I'm hoping if I can just shed a few pounds week, then maybe in a year I will be at the size I want to be.
Last week I finally joined Weight Watchers online. It was a big step for me to take, I really didn't want to PAY for services to help me loose weight. But since I really have no idea what I'm doing I decided it was worth the money to help me along.
I'm a little scared, but I am determined to loose this weight. And I have an awesome husband who is promising to support me and help me along. He was a little sad when I gave most of the candy in our house to his little brother, but he also understood that I couldn't have it around tempting me. Then he hurried and finished off what little was left.
This diet is already hard on me, so I thought I would start a journal to keep track of it and to hopefully boost me up when I get discouraged.
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