Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 52

I'm a day early posting, but I need to post today, so I'm going to do my weekly update too.
Monday my pants were kinda tight. Yesterday they were looser. Today, they were extremely tight. As in, way too uncomfortable and I had to dig in my closet to find the next size up. Since I have struggled so much lately, I have never gotten rid of those pants. And now I'm wearing them. How did this happen!?

So I busted out the scale that has been locked up for about 10 days (never doing that again, sorry H), 188.6. I've gained 10 pounds since my lowest point, which was on Christmas. I've battled with 5 of those pounds, but blamed all the traveling (which I'm still blaming). But now its 10 pounds I need to fight and that just makes me so mad. Basically its like I've gone from loosing 60 pounds since last year to only 50.

So I'm working on a game plan. I spent all morning asking myself what happened. I have stayed up on my exercise pretty good. A few months ago, I decided to do one of the preprogrammed thingys on my exercise bike, one that alternates the intensity. I thought it might be a better workout then just riding at the same level. But then last week, I decided to switch back and compare. By just riding at a high intestity for an hour vs. the programmed one, the bike says I burn 100 more caleries. So I am back to do that. I realize machines just guestimate those burned caleries, but with that much of a difference, I'm going to stick with that.

I'm joining Curves on Monday. I am worth the extra time and money its going to cost me. But I also need a game plan there. I don't want to be in town every night and think that makes it ok to go out to eat. But since I'll be in town every night, I want to do things, like go see my nephews, have girl's night (that don't include big dinners) and maybe go hot tub once or twice a week. I'm just going to have to be strick with myself. Last night I caved to my emotional eating and now I regret it. No more of that. There are better ways then onion rings to calm down after a bad day at work.

I haven't decided about weekend yets. I think Curves is open Monday - Saturday. We'll be back on our Monday - Thursday work schedule next week. I have learned in years past, that if I come to town on my days off, I don't get anything done at home. So I've tried to not come to town on days I don't work. But that isn't set in stone. Already, on the first Friday off, I have to come to town for a dentist appt. So I will go to Curves since I'm already in town. And we do quite a few date nights with A & J; I'm not giving those up (just going to eat better when we go out), so if we come to town on a Friday or Saturday for a date night, I'm going to go to Curves and do a work out and just tell Josh to bum around town for 30 minutes. But since I'll now be spending gas money every single day to drive myself, if I don't have to come to town, I won't. I'll just make sure to do some form of a work out at home.

My eating habits are not the best. I've gotten bad at mindlessely snacking again. No more. I hate to admit how much junk food has piled up at home and at work to tempt me. Its time to deep clean all the food and get rid of the stuff I shouldn't be eating. Then its back to a diet consisiting of lots of fruits and veggies.

Josh is working in Vernal right now, but I talked to him on the phone and he promised to be better with me. He's always supported me, but that doensn't mean he has ever changed his eating habits. And with him home so much this winter, I will admit I starting eating fatter foods and eating more. Its just been so nice to have a reason to cook and I've let myself become slack.

I have been complaining for months that I have no clothes. So a shopping spree will be my reward. No more buying clothes until I've either down 20 pounds or into a size 10. Clothes are my weakness so I think this will help me reach my goal. The cruise is 2 months away and I want new clothes for that so I need to work hard.

Here's to getting back on track, eating better and loosing some weight off this chubby bum.

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