Thursday, June 21, 2012

Week 68

On Wednesday, I decided to start tracking my meals. So I'm going to try and log in each day and make a quick note of what I ate that day and keep a running list to publish each Thursday. To start, I only tried to remember back to Monday, but I'll do better from here on out. I hope it will help me better watch what I eat on the weekends. I don't think I'll keep a detailed record, just a quick summary.

Monday - Breakfast was cherries and yogurt with coffee. I now can't remember what I had for lunch....That night, I made up a patch of taco meat. I even had dessert, the two complementary mints the pharmacy gave me. ;)

I didn't make it Curves, instead I went to the chiropractor. BUT I walked on BOTH my breaks, even though the wind was HOWLING. Then when I got home, I got on my exercise bike for an hour. So I still got my exercise in.
Monday I did my grocery shopping. I didn't have a list, but I stayed in the produce section for the most part. I was hungry, but I let that push me towards the fruits. That is when I came up with my new theme: "Hungry? There's a fruit for that." I picked a good time to fall back in love with fruits, cherries are in season right now and I have already gone through 2 bags in about 10 days.
Tuesday - Breakfast was a Ziploc bag of grapes with coffee. Lunch was a salad. When I started my diet, a salad meant iceberg lettuce with carrots. That was it. I've gotten fancier. This salad started out as a prebag mix, but then I added turkey, craisins, crutons (my one splurge on my salads), almonds and cheese. For those who don't know me, I hate salad dressing; I've been told that is a blessing when it comes to dieting. I also had a bag of cherries. Dinner was tacos with a strawberry daiquiri drink.
When it came time to get off work and go to Curves, I had to force myself. It was hot. It was windy. I DID walk on my breaks (in the warehouse because of that #$**# wind). I didn't feel like going to Zumba, but also I didn't want to wait for it to end and go afterwards. I was coming up with EVERY excuse in the book. But I knew if I didn't go, I would regret it the next day. So I ran an errand and then headed over. I was going to change while Zumba finished out. Turns out, they are doing Zumba in the mornings right now. So missing Curves because I didn't want to do Zumba would have been the LAMEST excuse and it was the one I almost went with. Yep, I would have really regretted not going, so glad I did.
Curves is starting a contest this summer with a promotion to join Curves Complete at a discount. I'm interested, but I'm trying to pinch pennies where I can so we can get our card paid off before we buy a house. So, as you can see, I'm trying to keep my own eating journal.  I'm not going to log in each time I drink a glass of water. But I'll try to keep everything else accounted for. (That's why I haven't caved and bought a huge bag of skittles this week.)
Tuesday night, I got to bed a little late (I was too busy enjoying a book to go to bed.) So I ended up in bed about an hour later then I wanted to. Just as I was going to bed, I remembered I wanted to wake up early the next morning and ride my exercise bike because my scrapbook group was the next day. I tossed and turned for a minute, trying to decide. Problem is, when I plan to get up early, I don't sleep well. I lay there and just tell myself "go to sleep. You have to go to sleep NOW." I end up working myself into a tizzy and then I end up with very little sleep. Since I was already up later then I planned, I decided to just get up at 5:15 like I normally do.
Wednesday - I woke up at 4:40 because I was cold. When I looked at the clock, I was mad. I hate waking up so shortly before the alarm. Not enough time to get a little more sleep, but too early still to get up. Then I remembered my debate the night before. I had originally thought about getting up at 4:00 so I could do an hour. I decided since I was awake, I would do at least 30 mins since that is better then nothing at all. I was glad I had packed my lunch the night before because it gave me just the extra time I needed to do 30 mins. By 5:00 that morning, I was already proud of myself. :) Later that day, I also made sure to walk on both my breaks. It was glorious - the wind wasn't blowing!
By Wednesday, I was still wearing my fat pants (aka, one size up), but they were were much looser.

Breakfast was a bagel with cream cheese and coffee. About an hour before lunch I was hungry, so I had half a ziploc bag of grapes. Lunch was the same salad as Tuesday, except at the bottom of the premixed stuff, I found a bunch of snap peas, so I broke those up into smaller pieces and mixed them in better. I also finished the bag of grapes I had started earlier.

Dinner was, well, not the best thought out. I mentioned scrapbook group. We each take a turn to host, which basically means you bring food. Some people go ALL out, they make soup, rolls, desserts, side salads, the works. Last night, was not that case. I had planned on there being some good food to count as dinner. The lady had brought crackers (with dips I don't like), carrots, grapes, mini cupcakes and oatmeal raisin cookies. I took a few crackers, a handful of carrots, a large handful of grapes and one cookie. Then I had one more cookie before leaving. After group, I had to run up to the in-laws to take care of the horses, so I ate some snap peas while I drove. I didn't get home until 9:30. At that point, I decided sleep sounded better then putting together a dinner.

I'm down 4 pounds from where I was on Sunday. But then again, I've lost this set of weight many times now. But I am determined to never see the number 188 on my scale again. Hopefully soon I'll never the number 180 anymore either. ;) I got up at 4 AM this morning so I could get an hour on my exercise bike. I love exercising in the morning! I feel so alert the rest of the day (but I will admit to drinking a little more coffee then normal). It helps so much to pack my lunch the night before. I have the time to think it out and pack something healthy.

I love how much better I feel about my body then I did a year ago. I like to dress up. Josh seems to prefer me in jeans so I never get the chance to dress up. So a few weeks ago, I started wearing a dress about once a week to work. I love how I feel all day, pretty and flirty and fun. Since I was in my fat jeans all week, I have felt frumpy. I put on my regular jeans (my good butt jeans as Josh calls them), but then decided I wanted to dress up instead. So I did. The down side to that, is I don't like walking on my breaks in a dress (my thighs rub, not in a fat way, but just in a there is nothing to protect them from each other way with a skirt on). But since I woke up at 4 AM I decided its ok to miss my walks today. Besides, I'm going to Wal-mart tonight, so I'm sure I'll make up for it, especially if I don't get a list started.

I want to set a goal to help me get these last 10 pounds off, but I don't want to have so much pressure, that I fail. With the wedding last winter, I was so stressed that I didn't do well at all. I think that is why I fell into this slump for so long. I think it would be awesome to loose the last 10 pounds before summer ends. But I think my back up plan will be to hit my goal weight by week 100 (but hopefully before then.)
Vanessa was talking on facebook how she wants to be an example to other mothers that it is possible to have children, but still loose the baby weight, plus more. I want to be an example to others too. 1) I was explaining PCOS to my grandma and how being overweight is a symptom/side effect of it. But I was telling her how I was inspired by others with PCOS who were loosing weight. Now I want to be that person to inspire others. IT IS POSSIBLE. Yes, I have to work harder then the normal person, but the results have been so worth it. I would rather exercise every day the rest of my life vs. going back to letting PCOS control my life and my body.
But also 2) I want to help other realize that you can find time to exercise. Even just 30 minutes a day is better then zero minutes a day. I know people think I'm insane when I get up at 4 AM to exercise, but really, its only ONE hour less of sleep. Only ONE. I can go to bed a little earlier the night before, or maybe I go to bed earlier that night after getting up early. Or maybe I don't miss that one hour at all. There is 24 hours in a day, can't you spare just 30? The body I want is going to take sacrifice, I can spare at least 30 mins a day. I like to do more than that, but when I'm busy, or even tired, I still want to find that 30 mins for myself and the body I want to have. One of my favorite sayings is "Nothing taste as good as skinny feels." I need to find a clever saying that says something like missing a little sleep/relaxation/etc is nothing compared to how good skinny feels. I'm so close and it does feel good.

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