Thursday, May 12, 2011

Week 10

This wasn't my best week, but it was also far from a bad week, but I'm down a little bit more, so overall, I guess that means it was a good week. :)

I haven't tracked my food or activity since the end of April. So that is my goal this week, to track everything, everyday.

With Josh working full time, I'm still trying to figure out a new exercise schedule. For the most part, I'm riding my exercise bike when I get home from work. My bike needs a little more work and then I can ride it outside, when the winds not blowing. Which actually, I think we are hopefully FINALLY out of the windy season. I hope. My other goal this week is to buy a belt. I don't care for belts, but I need to do something and its that or new pants. I would LOVE new clothes, but I'm trying to resist until later in the diet. I can't afford to buy new clothes each time I drop a size. But I am going to have FUN shopping when I'm down to where I want to be.

Not much to report in the eating department. Josh is back to work and I don't like cooking for just myself. So most days its lettuce for lunch (because really, that's the only part of a salad I like), with sometimes carrot sticks. Then for dinner I have cereal. I'm still having smoothies for breakfast most days. I'm glad I'm not tired of them yet.

Changing my weigh in day to Thursday has helped so much. I'm sure once I start tracking again, I'll learn that I blow most of my weekly points during the weekend, but then since I eat so carefully during the week, it doesn't put me in a panic the day before weigh in.

Now I'm off to eat some watermelon. Its like a taste of summer. :)

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