Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 19

Should this week even really count? My gallbladder came out on Monday. Its so nice to have that gone! Even though, I am now stuck trying to recover from surgery. It hurts like heck to get up and down, especially from the couch or the bed. But once I get up, most times I feel ok.

I MISS exercising! But I know I'm not up for it right now. I walked outside and down the porch and the lawn to check  on Sage this morning. That was a lot of work for me. :( I want to be healed up and back up to par. Until then, I just keep reminding myself how bad those attacks were.

The scale has been all over the place this week. I started the week up a little, but am now down a bit. As of right now, I am less then 2 pounds away from "onederland". It feels like a small victory given how I feel. I'm worried that once I feel better I'll put weight back on.

I haven't been eating much. Tuesday was my best day. I was starving, so I ate some. But then Wednesday afternoon, my belly became upset and has been ever since. So now I'm eating just to make myself eat.

I'll try to see it for what it is. Yay, I'm down several more pounds, even if it hasn't been the healthiest way to loose weight. When I'm feeling better and eating more, I'll also feel good enough to exercise so hopefully I won't gain much (if any) back.

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