Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week 20

I feel like my weight loss might be too boring to blog about each week, but each pound feels like a milestone to me so I think I'll keep blogging each week, even if there isn't anything to talk about.

This week was nothing special, and yet at the same time, its so close to being special. So first, the not so special, and by that I mean boring. I feel tons and tons better now that my gallbladder is gone, but I'm still not fully recovered enough to get back into heavy exercising. I MISS exercising! I want to walk the dog, go ride bikes with Mel and the boys, get out my Wii Biggest Loser Challenge. But the fact of the matter is, I'm still pretty tender on my insides. I did a simple job of not 20 feet the other day to catch up to a co-worker, and it hurt. She reminded me that even though my incisions look good, I'm still weak inside. I had surgery! They cut into my muscles and removed a part of me. I may be feeling better, but inside, I'm still healing. So for now, I'll continue to take it easy.

I didn't want to over extend myself, so I haven't done anything this week. In fact, the last time I exercised was July 3rd. :( Next week, I think I'll try to walk on my morning breaks again and see how I do. After this much time, I'll probably have to build back up my endurance anyways, so I might as well start small.

The almost special moment? I'm only half a pound from being under 200 pounds. So close! Actually, during my recovery, I did dip down that low. I think I lost about 8 pounds last week while I was still recovering. But I knew once I was back to myself, I would bounce up a little. Which I did, I gained back about 4 of those pounds. But I knew I would so I'm okay with it. At least I know that I can get below 200. I should be there next week. :)

Weight Watchers? Hm, I don't think I've been on their website at all this month. I was so sick that I was just in survival mode. Sleep was the most important thing. I ate just enough to get by. I'm not sure the last time I counted points. I feel out of habit. Even now, with me feeling so much better, I still haven't been on the website. And I'm not frantically pausing this post to go there either. Which makes me think, maybe I can do this on my own. WW has been great to teach me things and help me make better choices, but now I might feel ready to do it on my own.

I haven't fully decided. It is nice having their website when I want to look up things for nutritional value. And its only $17 a month, so its not like its going to break the bank. But I haven't been on this month, so why am I paying for it? I think I'll take some more time before I decide anything. Maybe try to recommit to the website and see if I can make it habit again.

My SIL just started WW and I'm super excited to not be the only one trying to loose weight. Which is another reason I want to be fully healed inside, I want to be her walking buddy. I'm trying to find a bike trailer so we can each take a boy when we go bike riding. I thought I had one found for free, but when I got it, it was a piece of crap. So I'll keep looking.

The comments are reallly starting to come in. I find it funny that guys at work on now noticing. They are so nervous to mention it. They must know to not a gal about her weight. My supervisor was really funny. He told me he didn't mean to pry, but was I loosing weight? He's been wanting to ask, but didn't dare because he knew women get touchy about that subject. But he figured since I'm looking so good, it was ok to ask. I love bragging to people how much weight I've lost so far so it always tickles me when someone notices.

I take monthly payments at work, so I only see people once a month, and a few of them have started to notice too. It always makes my day. :)

Today, I feel skinny. I know I'm not there yet, but I just feel good today. I feel good because the gallbaldder issue is resolved. I feel good because my hair is cute today. I feel good because I actually put on makeup today. I feel good because its time to cut another hole into my belt. I feel like I'm drowing in my pants and that makes me feel skinny. I love feeling this way. Go me!

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