Thursday, July 7, 2011

Week 18

This week is pretty much a blur. My gallbladder attacks are getting worse and becoming more frequent. I had 2 on Monday night. I was so tired at work, that I clocked out for 3 hours and went to my mom's house and slept. Then Tuesday night I had the worse attack so far. It hurt so bad, I wanted to just black out so I couldn't feel the pain. I have asked around and asked if I just went to the ER during these attacks, would they take it out there. Most likely, no. They'd keep me for the night and then maybe take it out the next day. I already can't afford all these test they insist on, let alone a night in the ER so I'll keep trying to suffer at home. This gallbladder has to come out!

Because I'm living on such little sleep each day, I haven't exercised in a while. I feel like I'm just in survival mode, and to go beyond that would push me over the limit. My day is, drag myself out of bed 15 mins before its time to head to work. Go to work. Take a nap during lunch instead of eating. Try to survive the rest of the day. Go home, eat a quick dinner. Then try to get a few hours sleep in before an attack can set in. They usually start about 1 AM and last until 2:30-3:30. When I do sleep, I don't think I sleep well because I'm so worried.

Last night I opted to sleep on the couch because that's the only place I can sleep once the attack starts. I didn't have one last night, so maybe it helped. But its not near as comfy as my bed. Even though I got a full nights sleep finally, I"m still dragging today. I just need time to sleep and catch up.

And because misery loves company, my period is here on top of all of this.

Bottom line, up one pound, but not that surprised about it given everything. Hopefully this next week will be better. My doctor is supposed to call me today and hopefully we can figure out how to make me feel better.

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