Thursday, December 8, 2011

Week 40

These past 2 weeks have been such a battle. My period got all out of wack by coming 2 weeks early and then not going away. Oh PCOS, how I LOATHE thee.

I know each time aunt flo is here I mention how it screws my diet up, but this was so much worse. In the last two weeks the scale has bounced from 181 and 189 and every where in between. No matter what I do (or don't) eat and how much I exercise, it feels like nothing is working. My body has done this before, but not since starting birth control a few years ago.

So I broke down and went to the doctor today. He made my day by pointing out I've lost 10 pounds since I saw him in October. :) He suggested just immediately starting my next round of bc since I finished one yesterday. Hopefully that will reset my body and make my cycles normal again. If not, I'm supposed to call him back next week.

PLEASE WORK! I hate this! And the hormones have been out of control. I can be happy one minute and slamming doors the next. And I feel like it doesn't matter anymore. I'll eat a large order of onion rings thinking "why bother", but then I feel so guilty that I eat practically nothing for the next two days. I NEED my body to be normal again. I mentioned all that scale jumping, it bounce whether I eat the onion rings or nothing at all, so I know this isn't about my eating habits.

Here's to hoping for a better week.

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