Thursday, December 22, 2011

Week 42

On Monday I hopped on the scale and it said 179.8. My period is STILL here, so I didn't want to get too excited.

Then on Tuesday is was 178.8. That is 60 pounds lost since starting my diet in March!!! I ran to the front room and gave Josh a big kiss.

Then I held my breath because I don't want to get too excited.

I start a new pill tomorrow to deal with my period. The doctor doesn't want me to start it until I'm at day 15 in my cycle. So hopefully by next week that will be behind me.  Although today it doesn't seem to be as bad. But I'm still going to take the Provera the doctor gave me, just to be sure.

Today the scale said 178.6. I'm so proud of myself for staying out of the 180's this week. Which kind of surprises me, I haven't exercised as much this week because I have a stupid cold. But on the other hand, I've eaten less then normal because some nights I'm more tired then hungry.

I'll feel better once I'm at 175; I hate being so close to 180, its so easy to slip back up to that. But still, I can brag that I've lost 60 pounds!!!!! I wrote our Christmas letter last week and I lied in it by saying I had already lost 60 pounds. Now I'm not a liar.

I saw a poster online yesterday that I really liked. It said, "You're not a dog. Don't reward yourself with food." I've gotten better at not using food as a reward, but still sometimes its hard. 

To celebrate I'm making a trip to Vernal after work tonight to buy a new pair of pants. I want to look good at Christmas dinner.

I would LOVE to loose another 10 (or 15) pounds before the big wedding, but that is only like 6 weeks away, so we'll see. Now, just to hope I'm over this period mess AND this cold by next week so I can get back to exercising more regulary and just overall feeling better.

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