Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This could be one of those post where I ramble on and loose track, but I just have some random thoughts I want to post.

HCG. I'm totally against it. Can anyone see how it looks like repeat of phen phen. What if all these people loose all this weight, but then start having other health problems? And not just that, but I am so anti "quick fix" dieting. It sounds like you do the HCG for a few months and loose a ton of weight. But then people go off of it and gain the weight back. What's the point of that? They didn't learn anything. They didn't change any eating or other health habits. They just pumped their bodies of drugs to quickly loose weight. But then they just go back to their old habits and put the weight on. And to a lot of people talk, they put on more weight then they lost! Now when they start over they have that much more to loose.

My diet has taught me a few important things. Good things come to those who WORK for it. I would have loved to loose 60 pounds in 2 months. But 10 months later, I still have days where I fall into my old habits. Not as often, but still. When it happens, I remind myself how hard its been and I get right back on track.

Eat healthy. Its so simple. I still eat sugar and pizza and misc. junk foods. The key is I eat smaller portions and I don't eat those unhealthy foods near as often as I used too. Unless its onion rings, they remain my one true weakness. Which is odd, I don't like onions. But deep fry them in a batter and I'm a sucker for them. But even then, I only get them when I eat out, which isn't very often. So maybe like once or twice a month do I indulge in this weakness. Indulging is ok, if its a once in a while thing. Have a candy bar only once a day instead of twice a day doesn't count. Its not about giving up everything you love and never having it again. Its just about moderation. Besides, at least for me, when I only get those things every once in a while, it makes them so much better.

Exercise. Just move. That was the hardest part for me. But I would bet that if I had just changed my eating habits and not exercised at all, I wouldn't have lost near as much weight. So it has been worth it. I had to start small. And each time I changed it up, a new group of muscles hurt. Some mornings I get up at 4 AM because I know if I don't, I won't get any exercise in that day. Its ok to miss a day or two, but for me, I don't want too. I know that exercise has been the key to my weight loss.

I may have started on my diet on Weight Watchers, but that is because I needed a program to help me get on track. I choose them because they aren't a quick fix and I knew anything else wouldn't help me long term. If I hadn't of hated their website so much, I still might be on that program. But I reached the point where I felt like I could do this on my own. They seem to teach you to eat healthy and exercise. I can do that on my own. I wish I could remember how much weight I lost on WW, I think 20 or 30 pounds. So I've lost at least just as much on my own, if not more.

I guess I just don't get all those shortcut diets. You follow the program, but once you hit your goal, you drop it and go back to how you used to be. I know no one plans to put the weight back on after they loose it. No one wants to do that. But life happens and you go back to what you are comfortable with. I am the same. I DON'T want to put any weight back on. I have nightmares about it. But I just keep telling myself that this is the way I live now. I eat less and work out more. I had a hard time when I realized I will exercise the rest of my life. But that was months ago. Now my body is used to it, I can't imagine NOT exercising. I've already told Josh that even if I have to get up at 4 AM, I will exercise while on the cruise. This is my life plan. Once I reach a goal weight, I won't be dieting anymore, but I will need to maintain. To me, that means, maybe a little less exercise, but that's eat. I'll still have to eat healthy and work out regularly. LOL, I just remembered how when I started this diet, I couldn't spell exercise. Spell check caught it EACH time, but now I can spell it just fine.

Ok, moving onto a new subject.

I don't feel fat anymore. That is a recent thing. I still don't love the way I look naked, but I really like how I look dressed. I feel pretty. Some days I think I'm pretty hot. For me personally, something about getting out of the 180's makes me not feel fat anymore and I love it. 10 months ago I never thought I'd feel this way. But most days, I love my body.

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