Thursday, March 15, 2012

Week 54

I'm still at 181. I'm starting to wonder if I need to just learn to accept that this may be my end point. But I don't think it is (and I don't want to believe it is). I've only been going to Curves for a week, so I need to just relax and give that time to work. Just last night, I started the Curves Smart program. I already love and hate it. It has helped me see that I was doing some machines incorrectly, so hopefully I'll be able to get better at those so I can get maximum results. That is the part I liked. But at the end, I was sad to see it only calculated me burning like 370 calories. Ugg, I want to be burning more then that a day.

The owner suggested a website called Its looks like a very simplifies version of weight watchers, and bonus, its free. So I am going to start using it and see if it helps. I just put in my morning walk, and that was 68 calories. So if I do that twice a day and then Curves, that puts me closer to 500 calories. Still not a number I love, but hopefully it will be enough. I just don't know where to add in any more exercise right now. I know there has been times in the past where I got up at 4:00 or 4:30 to exercise, but I can only do that for short spurts before it drains me. And this time change has been harder on me this year so I haven't even thought about trying it right now. And I think J has mentioned burning closer to 500 on just Curves so maybe I shouldn't stress it yet. Last night, since I was starting the Smart program, I felt a little distracted and know I could have worked harder.

I can hear H now "you need to eat." And "you need to love yourself." And my personal favorite "good morning beautiful." No wonder I love her so much. But that is why I'm trying to be better about writing my honest thoughts and feelings, rather then trying to hide parts I know she won't like; she always digs it out of me eventually. And before I publish this post, I'll eat my lunch (which is a yogurt, a large apple and 2 cheese sticks).

I just want to get out of the 180's and never see them again. So I keep thinking, just burn some more calories. Its a little harder. Just eat a little less. Which reminds me, I'm so proud of myself last night. We went out to eat and I just had the salad bar. :) I was so worried I would see the menu and cave to something else, but I didn't.

So I feel a little bad about my last post where I talked about the fb friend who crashed dieted for 2 months. I keep thinking that I was a little harsh. Any weight loss is better then none. I just hope that now that her vacation is over, she will still be inspired to loose more weight.

I tried Zumba on Tuesday night. Curves has it Tuesday & Thursday nights. I will defiantly do it more. Right now, I'm thinking on just Tuesday nights until I feel more confident about it. I've had several people tell me that the Tuesday night instructor is funner and a little slower paced then the Thursday night girl. I felt off step the whole time, but by the end I had worked up quite the sweat! So rather then worry about being completely on beat, I'll just try to enjoy it. The calories will burn whether its beautiful or ugly. Besides, I was too busy watching the instructor to tell you if anyone else was on beat or not and I'm sure the same was true of them. I even opted to do the full 30 minutes and then 30 minutes of Curves afterwards, rather then do both in the 30 minutes.

To end on a note to make me happy, I need to go swimsuit shopping before the cruise. I'm so excited to buy a suit with some sexiness to it, vs. just looking for something to cover up as much as possible.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

You can burn up to 500 per workout at Curves. The most I've ever done at any one time was like 371 so it sounds like you're where you should be. I think doing the Zumba workout and then a regular workout will definitely boast that number though! :)