Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I walked Sage last night and I'm so proud of myself. In years past when I have walked down the lane, I have had to push myself. I would tell myself "just one more power pole." Then I'd turn around and cry because I had that much further to go to get back home.

Now that I'm in shape, I went the furthest I've ever gone before. And I didn't even think of complaining when I turned around to head back to the house. In fact, when we reached the house, I decided to go the rest of the way up the hill and then back to the house.

The only downfall to this walk, was the reminder that skunks LOVE our lane. Every year I see a few. Last night I spotted the first one of the season. :( And Sage wanted to chase it and I think it wanted to chase Sage. We were at the end of our walk so we made a sprint for the house, but then decided to finish going up the hill. Not thrilled that I'll have to start watching for skunks.

Oh, and you don't really walk Sage. She walks you and you run to catch up. I thought her tugging on her leash so hard was going to cut the circulation in my wrist. She has 2 speeds. Fast and Strain Your Shoulder
Fast. But she loves walks and now that I'm in shape and can go 20 feet without loosing my breathe, I really enjoy walks too. This summer I want to make it to the store and back once, just to say I did it.

I wonder what it takes to train for a 5K? Maybe I'll start working on that. And all this walking is only possible because of my Sketchers Shapes Up. Besides being out of shape, foot pain has kept me from walking for years. But my Shape Ups seem to give me the support my foot needs to it doesn't hurt.

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