Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week 60

Tuesday I was depressed, which led me to wanting to eat lots of food. So instead I tried to fight it by not eating. Not the best plan. I had a protein drink for lunch and left overs (from the weekend) for dinner and it was delish. Not the LARGE chocolate shake and onion rings I had wanted, but still the better choice then junk food or no food at all.

Wednesday, my cramps were the worst I think I have ever had. EVER. The cramps had me near tears. It hurt to move. And they made me nauseous. I was too afraid to eat in fear of loosing it anyways. Work had left over pizza in the break room and just the smell made me sick. Which mad me sad, I love pizza and had decided one piece would be ok.

So not the best week, at least not healthy eating wise.
Actually, the weekend was pretty good. I made egg rolls and won tons for dinner, but baked them instead of frying them. Josh was a little disappointed, but I told him to toughen up. And it didn't stop him from eating seconds. And thirds.

While in the city, I did better at ordering something decently healthy and only ate until I was full. I read on some one's blog that its not like you are starving a kid in Africa when you don't finish you food. Its a good point. How is my over full plate going to help someone in a different nation? I know, its still wasteful. But I used that theory this weekend to help myself realize I  didn't need to eat every single thing on my plate.
I skipped Curves on Monday because it was one of those rare week nights when Josh is home. I don't regret it since I don't see him as much as I would like to. But I regretted it just enough to make sure I did Zumba AND Curves on Tuesday. I almost walked out on Tuesday when I saw it was a different instructor (she is WAY more intense), but I remembered skipping the night before and decided to toughen up. I did the full Zumba and then after that, I did the Curves circuit.
Which reminds me, I need to track a few people down and call them liars. Over the years, I have heard many times, that exercising will make your cramps less. In fact, I just barely read it on a website while doing some research for relief. NOT.TRUE! By the end of Tuesday night, I thought I was going to die. I've tried the exercising philosophy a few times over the years and it has never worked for me. But seriously, last night was horrid. And it hasn't gotten ANY better. Cramps are a *bitch.

I just reread that paragraph. Ignore my sassy anger. Its the cramps and hormones talking.

I probably should have skipped Curves last night because it made it worse. I could hardly move. I went home and took a hot bath with Epsom salt dissolved in the water and I took a prescription pain pill because the Motrin wasn't even touching the pain. When I got out, I felt slightly better. But I tossed all night long. Today, the pain is slightly better then yesterday so that is a plus, but I think I'm feeling the side effects of the medicine I took.
Overall, I don't feel great about this week, but I know that's because my period is here and so HORRID. Next week will be better.

The cruise is only 10 days away! I'm so excited. I keep telling myself that I WILL exercise every day, at least the sea travel days. I want to be able to eat some fun things and not feel too guilty about it. I think I might have a Curves measurements due before then; I'll have to check. I'd rather do it the day before the cruise vs. the day after we get home.

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