Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week 71

Thursday - Today I had the day off which also means my eating schedule was off. I had a bowl of Special K for breakfast with a glass of milk. Then lunch was a coffee, a corn dog and some cheese sticks. Dinner was meatballs with sauce and rice. Exercise today was a lot of hiking. Josh is determined to actually CATCH fish this week, but we've had no luck. First we hiked to one area of Starvation. It was windy there and we didn't catch anything. So then we decided to drive to the bridge and hike down under it and try there. I've decided we don't actually fish, we just watch water. Speaking of water, I haven't been drinking near enough.
Friday - Josh wanted to run to town this morning, so I put on my workout clothes and made him drop me off at Curves. As we pulled into the parking lot, I realized, I forgot my workout tag. But I didn't let that slow me down! About every 8 minutes, it has you check your heartrate. Mine was the best its ever been. It would seem that most people go slower without their tag, but I went harder. Now I wish I had taken my tag with me, today might have been the day I broke my goal to hit 400 calories. But regardless, I went to Curves and worked HARD and that is what matters. I've also had 2 bottles of water now.
Breakfast was frosted mini wheats with 2 small glasses of water and a cup of coffee. Lunch was half a mini pizza and one breadstick; Josh ate the rest. Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs. I think I drank 5 bottles of water total today. Also, while fishing, I realized my phone was in the truck. Josh offered to hike up the hill to get it, but I told him that skinny me would like to do that. I love all the changes I have seen in myself as I've gotten into shape. Not only do I love the skinnier me, I also don't miss the lazy me.

Saturday - Breakfast was a 6 inch Sunrise Subway Melt and a yogurt parfait. Then we went fishing with grandpa, on his boat, ALL DAY. Lots of water. Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs. I also had some watermelon after the fishing and lots of water.

Sunday - Breakfast was biscuits and gravy and 2 glasses of milk. I rode my exercise bike for an hour and drank 3 glasses of water. Lunch/Dinner was 2 hamburgers and a handful of cherries.
Monday - I think I am going to like early morning Curves. ;) Got up at 4:30 so I could do Curves this morning. Then afterwards, I bought a personalized coffee pot so I can start making my coffee at work when I do Curves in the morning. Walked 15 mins on one of my breaks. I spent all day thinking about walking Sage tonight. But when it came down to it, I almost wussed out. Finally at 7:50, I drug my butt off the couch. At first, I was only going to go to the end of the lane, but then I got after myself. As punishment, I decided I could walk to the store. But when I got to the store, I felt so good, I went past it and went up the hill. My quick 15 min walk turned into 80 mins! I'm a little tired, but that is far outweighed by how good I feel about myself right now. No regrets for this girl. :) Then just before going to bed, I decided to do some situps. I didn't think I could do them without Josh holding my feet, but I used the recliner and did fine. I did 20 situps.

Breakfast was coffee and 2 bananas. Then around 10:30, I started to snack on some grapes. Within minutes I was sick. I think they were fine, but maybe not? Ugh. It made me realize that like ONCE a week, I get sick. Its really bothering me cause 1) who wants to be sick so much and 2) what is causing it? I did a quick look at my food journal and I don't see anything that connects. I might try taking my vitamins and lunch vs. at night with my Metformin, but even then, I take those every night, but am only sick once a weekish. I know I need to figure it out because I don't like feeling like this. Dinner was the other half of my dinner from Lacabana last week, so half rice, half beans and half enchilada.
Tuesday - I won't lie, I was tired this morning. I woke around 3 and never feel back into a good sleep. I thought about changing the alarm from 4:30 to 5 and just skipping Curves. But I would only buy myself another 30 mins of sleep and decided it wasn't worth it. I'm also sore from the walk last night. But I'm going to push through this temporary pain and keep pushing on! I went to Curves this morning.  This evening, I went to dinner with my mom and sister. I thought about walking when I got home, but the wind was blowing 50 mph. So instead, I decided to push for a personal best with situps. I had to take a few resting breaks, but I did 50 situps tonight!
Breakfast was coffee (I can already tell my personal coffee machine at work will pay for itself) and yogurt w/ granola. I had a banana for a morning snack. Lunch was a salad with snap peas. Dinner was at the Grill for Vanessa's b-day. I had a smaller salad from the bar, minestrone soup, a scone, carrots and then only a few bites of my chicken fried steak. I realized I was full after only 3 bites of it, so I packed it to take home.
Today has been a day of proving to myself I can be strong. I mentioned it was HARD to get up this morning, but I did. Once the coffee kicked in, I was fine, but I plan to go to bed early tonight. But I had another moment of "I can do this" today. During my afternoon break (no walks today cause I wanted to wear a dress), I was in the break room and the mini bags of Lays looked so GOOD. But I tried to resist. I left the break room and headed back to my desk. Ten steps down the hall, I turned and went back for a bag of chips. I stared at it for a good 30 seconds, realized that over half the calories are just fat, but stared for another 10 seconds. I could taste them and it tasted good. But then I remembered getting up at 4:30 this morning. I MADE that choice so I could do something towards a healthier me. I didn't want to blow that on a bag of chips that would only satisfy a short craving. So I put the bag down and walked away. That to me, is a little moment that will hopefully lead to BIG results. Sure the chips would have been good, and the calories were only half of the ones I worked off this morning. But it wasn't worth it. I've learned that exercising doesn't mean you can eat more. To get results you have to exercise AND eat better. One or the other can work on their own over a LONG period of time. But if you want results, you have to do both things. Today I did and I'm so proud of myself.

Wednesday - Got up early for Curves again. I'm really liking that. But I do get to sleep in tomorrow because a coworker needs a ride to work. While on the subject of Curves, I need to vent for just a second. There is a lady that comes and she drives me NUTS! Every.single.time she comes, she asked for J to change the music. 90% of the time, I LOVE the music that is currently in. 70% of the time, I HATE the music that gets put in. She will do this if we are the only 2 people there or if there is 8 other people there. I seriously cringe when I see her car pull in. I want to yell at her, the music is fine, learn to workout to other tempos. Cause I think that is why she does it, she told J she can only exercise if the songs are so many beats a minute. I will admit to asking for music ONCE. I was the first one in there and there wasn't any going. So I said, put in something good and upbeat. Of course, 10 mins later this lady walks in! She did wait a few mins to voice her opinion of the music. J told her I requested this, but I told J to go ahead, I only had 2 machines left at that point. Just this morning I thought, Hm, I haven't seen her since I started coming early, another bonus to coming early. She pulled in 10 mins later and as I was leaving, she was asking for different music. Ugh.
K, got that off my chest for now. I walked on both my 15 minute breaks today.

Breakfast was coffee and yogurt. Had a banana for a snack around 10. Lunch was at Canton City (thanks Barb for treating me to lunch). I let myself have a few of all my favorites, but I did not go back to the buffet for seconds. Had another banana around 4. Dinner was meatballs with rice and sauce. I was distracted while eating and only ate half my plate then realized I was full. There really is a lot of truth to eating slowly.

Overall, this has not been my best week. By Sunday, I was ready to go back to work and ready for Josh to go back to work. Having 5 days off was not healthy, espcially with our lack of planning things out. We'd head out to fish "for just an hour or two", but 6 hours later, we'd still be fishing. That lead to some unhealthy choices of fast food at a gas station and then over eating because I was so hungry. Sunday night, I told Josh no more of that. We can fish, but we just assume he's going to drag it out and stop at the groceries store for fruits and a light lunch.

On the other hand, I think my Curves attendance the last two weeks has been the best ever. I will say, I was thinking about quitting. I hadn't seen any results. Well, duh, its because I hadn't been going. You have to actually go and do the work out if you want it to work.

Also, that walk on Monday night... I was sore for 2 days! But I'm finally feeling more normal today. So maybe the next walk will be slightly shorter and then I can build back up.

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