Thursday, July 26, 2012

Week 73

Thursday - Did Curves this morning. I was thinking about going after work, but last night I decided I wanted to go a full week of going in the early morning. So I got up at 4:30. :) Today is my dress up day, so no walks on my breaks. Breakfast was coffee and yogurt. Lunch was a protein drink. Dinner was left over roast with potatoes and carrots. YUM!

Friday - Breakfast was coffee and yogurt. Lunch was a protein drink and a banana. I also bought some Special K chips, but only ate 5, I'm not sure if I like them. Dinner was at Don Pedro's with Josh. I had the fajitas.

I'm bummed I didn't make it to Curves. I forgot they close early on Friday's. I got there about 20 mins after they closed. And now I'm not sure if I'll make it in the morning.

Saturday - I didn't go to bed until about midnight. But I decided to suck it up and still go to Zumba and Curves, so I got up at 6. The original plan had been to do Zumba for 30 mins. and then Curves for another 30. That left me with just enough time to change and get to the park to help my uncle with his catering business. While driving to town, I had a thought, "wouldn't it be funny if I ever forgot my pants?" That set me into a panic, so as soon as I got to town I checked. Jokes on me, I did indeed forget my pants that I needed to wear for the day. (I always wear my workout clothes when I go to Curves in the morning.) So instead I had to do the Zumba & Curves together. Then I went to Alco and bought the only pair of shorts I could find in my size.

Breakfast was a protein drink and a small cup of coffee. Then the rest of the day got hectic. I had 3 or 4 bottles of water and 2 soda pops. I also had a hamburger and later I shared a few nachos with someone. Dinner that night was left over roast.

Sunday - Breakfast/Lunch was 4 slices of cinnamon raisin toast with coffee. Dinner was hobo dinners and they were DELISH!!!! Tonight night I did 50 sit ups.

Monday - Curves in the morning. Remember that funny story on Saturday? You'd think it would never happen again. But this morning when I was packing my bag, I pulled my pants out of the dryer and they were still damp. So I threw them back in and thought I'd grab them when I got my lunch out of the fridge. I finished my workout, and went to change. No pants! So today ended up being my dress up day. (I always have a dress or skirt in my bag in case I don't like how my pants fit that day.) PS, that didn't end up working out well. About 2 hours into my day, I found a huge hole in the back of my skirt right over my butt. So the skirt is now safety pinned and rolled and its going in the trash as soon as I get home tonight. I'm throwing a pair of pants in my bag and still packing it each night. I swear I need to pack 3 days of clothes when I do Curves in the morning cause I'm never sure what I want to wear.

Breakfast was some kind of spice cake someone brought for treats and a coffee. Lunch was a protein drink. Dinner was Hawaiian Haystacks.

Tuesday - I had the day off, so I decided to go to Zumba again! During the summer, its on Tuesday & Thursday at 7 am, but I have to be to work at that time. I forgot how much I like Zumba. I did the full Zumba for 30 mins, then did a full Curves Circut for another 30 mins. Then Josh and I had time to kill, so we went to the Grill for breakfast. I tried to order healthy, but 10 mins later, they came out to say they were out of oatmeal. :( So instead, I ordered half an omelet, but even then I only ate half of that. It was drowning in American cheese which is the one cheese I can't stand. So I ate about half and then my hash browns. I also had coffee and hot chocolate.

After that our day was just chaotic. We went and looked at a house. Josh wasn't sure about it, so we drove to Neola to drive by a house his grandpa saw. Then we drove to Lapoint to walk around the yard of a different house we've looked at in the past. Then we just drove around Lapoint and Tridell looking for "for sale" signs. We didn't get home until almost 2:00! I was cranky cause we missed lunch, but at that point, I decided to just wait a few hours until dinner. At 4:30 I was starving, so I had Hawaiian Haystacks.

Wednesday - Curves in the morning. :) Breakfast was coffee and yogurt. I really like the yogurt with granola, but only in like 2 flavors and the store NEVER has those. So I bought my own bag of granola to mix in with other yogurts. Lunch was a protein drink. Had a snack in the afternoon of mixed nuts. Dinner was Quizno's Chicken Carbonara sandwich. I went half way in the middle, I didn't get a large but I didn't get a small either. I decided it was ok to splurge on a regular size cause I go there rarely. I only walked on one of my breaks today.

I got home late and thought about sleeping in a little and doing Curves after work. But I love the morning workouts too much, so I kept my alarm set for 4:30.

I keep hoping Curves will help kick me off the plateau I've been stuck on for several months now. I was looking at my attendance today. I joined Curves in March, so about 5 months ago. In that time, I have worked out 46 times. Fifteen of those times have been just this month! No wonder its never worked before. Got to make the effort to see the results. I think I'll stick to this early moring stuff if it helps my attendance that much.

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