Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 72

Thursday - Breakfast was coffee and a small dish of cherry cobbler with ice cream. (It would seem there is a few treats that show up in the break room I can't resist.) Lunch was a salad. Due to the stress (see below), I really wanted onion rings and a shake. But I knew I would regret it. Now I can avoid the regret and be proud of myself all at the same time. Dinner was a work dinner. I shared my food with Valex. We had steak, beans, a roll and salad. I skipped the cake but had some ice cream. Today I had one diet coke, but also 64 oz. of water.
We almost won the house we bid on. Turns out we didn't know a few critical details about the appraisal. Short story, we had to withdraw our offer. I'm sad and mad and just want to drown my sorrows in onion rings and a shake. But I am going to resist. I already know I will regret it so I'm just going to stop myself before it even happens. Two thoughts (of the many) I had during the excitement. That training was right; winning the lottery gives you all the energy in the world! Winning the bid (albeit for just a minute) woke me right up and actually made antsy to get out and move. The other thought was, sometimes I need more then a 15 walk to get rid of the stress. But my break is only 15 mins so the longer walk will have to be later.
Exercise, I missed Curves because of the work dinner. I was going to go, but then had someone come into RIGHT at closing. That put my schedule off by 10 mins. I had figured I could be to the dinner 10 mins later, but with that 10 mins., it would have put me at least 20 mins late. So all I did today was 2 breaks with 15 min walks.

Friday - I've decided to try and not sleep so much this weekend. All week, I get up around 5:00, but then when I'm off, I sleep until 8, or later. I'm going to try and just stick to a more normal sleeping schedule. Today, I got up at 6:30, so I still got to sleep in a bit, but not so drastically. My intentions were good. I was going to clean the house before it got hot. But I was out of cleaning supplies! So I ended up having to go to town. I used to HATE going to town on days off, but now I just use it to my full advantage. My first stop was Curves. Things are a little messed up there measurement wise. With the contest they are running, they want to have everyone do measurements next week. I took my last birth control pill today so aunt flow will be here next week. I told her I refuse to do it next week, so we did it today. Which means its only been 2 weeks since my last one. I also was measured by C and I think she does it differently. I'm not going to read too much into these measurements since the time since my last is so short. But, hopefully, if I keep working this hard, when I do measurements again in a month, I'll see big results. :) And now I can't find my measurements to share. :p But there really was no changes since I had just done them 2 weeks earlier.
Breakfast was coffee. Lunch was a protein drink. I did make sure to plan some meals out for the weekend while Josh is home so that we hopefully eat better. Dinner was a pork chop and some rice.

Saturday - This morning I got up around 7, so still enough to sleep in, but not like I normally do. I've heard countless times that you should go to bed and wake up around the same time every day. I think its working. I decided to just get my exercising out of the way, so I jumped on my exercise bike. I was going to do 90 minutes, but at 60, Josh's parents called and needed help with cows. I was slightly bummed cause I missed out on my coffee. We got back just in time for me to shower and get ready to head somewhere. So breakfast/lunch was a protein drink. Then at the party I had one brownie. I really wanted a second one, but decided to pass. I was starving when I got home, so I had a bowl of frosted mini wheats. Dinner was stir fry over brown rice.

Sunday - Got up again at 7. I also like how much longer my day feels when I get up early. Breakfast was oatmeal and some wheat toast. Lunch was stir fry. That's also about when the cramps started. Grr, I HATE this time of the month. Dinner was the veggie tray and chocolate pudding. No exercise today.

Monday - At 4:30, I can now wake up and say "Good Morning!" I'm surprised at how quickly I have adjusted to this. Its only 30 mins earlier, so maybe I shouldn't be so surprised. I feel great when I walk into work and know that I've already been to Curves for the day. Except my hair is driving me nuts. I tried to get an appt. last week, but she was booked. This Friday, the hair is coming back off. I can't grow it out right now, not with this new routine. Its driving me nuts!
Exercise was Curves and both of my 15 min walks. I almost wussed out of one, but a coworker agreed to go with me so we could encourage each other.
Breakfast was coffee and yogurt. Lunch was a protein drink, a cheese stick, and half a slice of chocolate cake. Its hard to say no to chocolate with aunt flow is here. Dinner was stir fry. I drank 70 oz of water today.

Tuesday - Up at 4 AM :). Yes that's right, I said :), not :(. I am amazed at how much I love these early mornings. I got up a little earlier today because I wanted to start a roast in the crockpot before heading to work. I thought about getting it ready last night and putting it in the fridge, but I didn't want my potatoes to brown. Josh will be home this afternoon and he is going to add an onion to it about an hour before its done. I don't know what it is, but onions are my new favorite things. Which is really weird because I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole when I was a kid. But now, I add them to everything.

My hair is driving me nuts! Its too long for this early workout stuff. I'm impatiently counting the days down until Friday for my appt. Curves is busy in the morning, that is the one thing I don't like. But I am usually half way down before the crowd starts showing up. Overall, I don't want to go back to going after work, I love having it done first thing in the AM way to much. Especially since the hubs will be home tonight. If I had waited to go after work, I'm pretty sure I would have just skipped it to hurry home to him.

Breakfast was coffee and yogurt. Lunch was half a protein drink. I will remember I don't like that kind and not buy it again. :p I snacked once in the morning and again in the afternoon on some mixed nuts with dried cranberries. Dinner was DELISH! We had a pork roast w/ red potatoes, carrots and some gravy.  Exercise was Curves and two 15 minute walks.

Wednesday - I realized today that even though my period has been here, my pants have stayed comfortable. Looks like I'm seeing results from all this hard work. Went to Curves this morning. I think I'll be able to make it every day this week, except Friday. So now I'm thinking of swinging down to Curves before my hair appt. And I have to be to town on Saturday. I've decided to come early so I can go to Zumba! Then I'll be able to add a Z to my flower on the wall. :)
Today is the first time I've had a good hair day in a long time. I almost started to think about letting it grow more. But on the squat machine, it kept getting caught between the bar and my shoulders. I can't pull it back because I don't have enough time to get the pony tail crease out of my hair between my work out and work. Exercise today was Curves and two 15 min walks.

Breakfast was coffee and yogurt. I also drank a little bit of that protein drink from lunch yesterday. Its high in protein so I thought it might be a nice jump kick to my day. Lunch was a much better protein drink. Dinner was at LaCabana with the hubs because he suddenly had to go back to work. I ate only half of my meal. I ate the tostatdo and the hard taco, along with some chips. Then I got my beans, rice and enchilada in a to go box. Josh and I decided that we would share a desert, but our waitress put our ticket on the table and walked off. So we didn't get dessert. I drank 88 oz. of water today.

I love how good I feel when I take the time to get in a work out every day and eat right. I feel healthier, perkier, more cheerful, etc. I wish I hadn't wasted so many years of letting my body get out of shape. But the good thing is that you can start taking care of yourself at any given moment. There is no going back to change things, just moving forward and started the changes now.

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