Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Work has these online trainings we do once a month. We've covered things like ergonomicts and blood born pathegeons, etc. This month it is about heart disease. Its been pretty intersting and I wanted to jot down a few notes. This post might seem random cause I was trying to type things out as I listened. I really wish I could post a link to the video, but I think its a work "in house" type thing.

The video is talking about how we need to make ourselves our number one priority, not work, not spouses, not children. If our health fails, then we fail all of those people. But by making yourself a priority, in a way that makes them a priority too.

The video mentiones people and their lame excuses. I'm too tired or I don't feel like it. The guy then talks about you laying on the couch watching the lottery and suddenly you win 5 millions dollars. What are you going to do? Jump up and dance around, even though 2 seconds ago you had "no energy." He mentioned that once he was too tired to help his wife with something. Five minutes later his buddy called and said "let's go fishing." He jumped up, got his gear and took off. Every one has the energy, its more an issue of being too lazy and not taking care of your self.

Being tired doesn't mean you stop. Being tired means you need to exercise. Because you have a lack of oxygen to the brain because you aren't pumping enough blood to the brain.

Don't eat when stressed out! You're just causing more stress by making your health worse. Get out and exercise! I know this works! When I have really stressful days at work, I LONG for my break. Not so I can escape for a few minutes, but because I can go out and walk off the stress.
Just 30 mins. a day of exercise can reduce heart disease by 50%!

Most people claim they don't have enough time, but the average person actually has about 40 free hours a week, they spend 15-20 hours of that watching tv. Then they spend more time on computers. Turn the tv off and go outside and walk.

Schedule time in your life for exercise.  Become displined. Change your couch potato way of life. As soon as you get home, exercise cause the second you set down, you've already started to loose the battle. Or in my case, get up just 30 mins earlier.

Unless you are sick, fatigue is mostly just in your head, don't listen to it. It usually takes just 3 minutes for you to get woken up and get going. Find what motivates you, good music, whatever it is that makes you go.

You don't need to count caleries, but count common sense. A plate over flowing with food isn't as healthy as a plate with room to spare. Processed foods isn't as healthy as organic and fruits and veggies. Eating out is less healthy then preparing your own meals. Its all common sense, use it. Just because we live in a world of fast food doens't mean we need to eat in that world. Get out of the habit of eating junk food; replace your snacking habits with healthy choices.

Stop just talking about bad health and do something about it!

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