Friday, August 24, 2012

Week 77

Thursday - I must had not slept well last night cause it was HARD to get up and go to Curves. But I reminded myself I would only gain 30 mins of sleep if I didn't go, but I would get lots of regret too. So I went and I'm glad I did. Today is my dress up day, so no walks. I'm wearing a dress I found, but have never worn. Not sure why, cause I think I'm a knock out in it. :) I love how I feel so much more comfortable with my body then I ever used to. My dress up days are the highlight of my week.

Breakfast was coffee and yogurt w/ granola. I REALLY wanted something else for lunch. Not sure what, just not salad. But I decided to just eat the rest of my salad from yesterday so it wouldn't go to waste. (Trying to buy a home has made me a penny pincher.) But also, I decided to stick with the salad because I know I'll be eating out tomorrow. While in Vegas, we are going to do our own cooking. But tomorrow we are staying in St. Goerge, so that will be a few meals before we are back to cooking our own. Yikes, I'm remembering the Arby's diaster. Hopefully, that won't happen again. Still, I did splurge and eat a few chips with my salad. Dinner was kobobs at my mom's. I had 3, but I decided since it was just meat and veggies, I could splurge. I also had a small salad and some rice.

Friday- Breakfast was coffee and a small bowl of honey nut cherrios. I saw a new number on the scale this morning....174.8! Ok, so its only .2 pounds away from 175, but still, that is a number I never thought I'd reach. I did decide to take my scale with me to Vegas. (H will lecture me on that.) But I've done so well lately, I don't want to loose the momentum I have going and I want to stay on track.

We wanted to drive straight to St. George, so I really didn't get a lunch. At some random gas station, (I think in Provo) I did buy an apple and 2 cheese sticks. And I thanked them for having some fruit on hand. Dinner was at Chili's. I had one of their "healthy" options, but then I counteracted it with chips. :p Then I realized that there is a Sub Zero and I wanted the others to experience it. So I went out in the HOT weather and walked 3 miles. BTW - How hard it is to turn one little room into an exercise room in a hotel!? Just a treadmill and a bike will be just fine. Then we went to Sub Zero so I could treat everyone to it. :) I even splurged and got a large since I walked so far.

Saturday - 175! So the walk paid off. I went to Curves this morning. I love that they do a traveling pass. Breakfast was at the hotel. I had a small yogurt, some oatmeal and a bagel. Then I took a banana to eat a little later. Which worked well, because after shopping, we headed to Vegas. That banana ended up being my lunch. Then dinner was fajitas with some spanish rice I made. It was delish.

Sunday - Curves is closed on Sunday, so instead I went to the gym at the hotel. I did an hour on the treadmill. Also, today, we did a TON of walking. Like several miles. I was pretty stiff and sore by the end of the night. Breakfast was yogurt w/ granola and coffee. Then shortly there after, everyone had an early lunch so I decided I better eat a little more, so I had an apple and some sliced cheese and a glass of milk. Today, was a no miss on the no sugar thing. My belly was upset all afternoon, so I had a sprite. Then tonight, I decided to splurge and got a frozen daiquiri. Dinner was roast with potatoes and carrots.

I DID keep track of this all week! But when I logged in Wednesday night, my computer went funky and its like it resorted back a few days so I lost all of Monday and Tuesday. GRRRR! So I guess I'll type up what I can remember,.

Monday - We did some walking today, but I don't think we did as much as yesterday. I did go to Curves, I think in the morning... Breakfast was I yogurt and I think some fruit, but now I can't remember. (Insert the 12th curse word I've thought in the last 2 sentence. Stupid laptop!) I'm pretty sure this is the day we went to a buffet. I was not impressed, but I've never liked buffets, not even pre-diet. I took a little bit of a lot of things, but then only took a few bites and pushed it all to the side. I even did that with a few dessert. Nothing was good enough to waste calories on.

Tuesday - This was our lazy day and I was going to skip Curves, but I did end up going that night. Breakfast was small, I think just fruit. ?? Then I had a small bowl of salad before we left to go see the Hoover Dam. I should have ate a little more, because around 3, I was starving! So when my mom stopped for fuel, I bought some nachos. But that is what forced me to go to Curves that night.

Wednesday - I did NOT sleep well last night. At 1, I turned the alarm clock off. I'm on vacation and I'm willing to go to Curves in the morning, but not when I'm still awake at 1 am. PS, my mom snores a LOT. But I made it to Curves tonight so I still feel good about myself. Breakfast was english muffins. No lunch cause we were out exploring, but I did snack on some nuts in the late afternoon. Dinner was stir fry. And I had a few oreos for dessert. I took 6, but then gave half to my brother and only ate 3.

Few notes about the stir fry. I felt like I had to fight to get it on the menu. But in the end, my mom really liked it. AND she mentioned that I have inspired her to start a diet of her own. I know she can do this because she has before. And this time she has me and my sister to support and encourage her. I hope we can help her.

Overall, I'm really proud of myself this week. I'm on vacation, but have managed to hold a steady 175 all week. I've done a lot of walking most of the days, but still made it to Curves. And overall, I've made good eating choices. I will admit, tomorrow is going to be my splurge night. I persuaded every one to go eat at Ruby Tuesday, which I chose just so I can order onion rings. ;)

We were gone for a week, but I still made it to Curves 5 of those days. I did end the week at 177, but its hard to diet on vacation.

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