Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 78

Overall, not my best week, but still not too bad. Today, I was 173.8, which has me joyed beyond belief! Each new pound lost is cause for celebration. I never thought I would get out of the 180's and now I am sailing through the 170's. No goal in mind right now, I just want to keep working hard and see how much more I can loose. I'm pretty sure when I hit a plateau again, I'll probably be done. But time (and hard work and dedication) will tell.

Curves, still loving it, but I don't feel like I'm working it as hard as I should. My heart rate has been lower then normal this week. And each workout says I'm only burning 270 calories vs. my normal 350-370. I know several mornings, I was just plain tired, but I would still rather go in the morning. I would rather have a guaranteed calorie burn of 270 in the morning then take a chance of burning 350 in the evening. I know me and I'm just not as likely to go after work. Today, I pushed myself harder and did a little better. I got my heart rate back up towards the end of my workout. I burned 290 calories and the sweat was rolling off of me. The big thing I did was push myself harder on the recovery boards. I still ran in place on most of them, but I went faster or lifted my legs higher to kick my butt. But I also did jumping jacks several times. That was one of those times, I continue to amaze myself. I used to could NOT do 10 jumping jacks. Today, I did several sets, the largest one being 50. :)

Thursday - I forgot to log in today and keep track, so here is what I can best remember. Breakfast was yogurt w/ granola and coffee. Lunch/dinner was at Ruby Tuesday. I went all out, which I still can't decide is a good thing or a bad thing. But I did well all week and decided I needed one day of no restrictions. I had a salad, onion rings, mac n cheese, baked potatoes and 2 drinks. Then later, I had another drink. I did go to Curves this morning (because I knew I would be cheating on my diet) and we did a lot of walking.

Friday- No Curves today, I just wanted to pack and get home. Breakfast was coffee. Lunch was some chicken strips and a small fry at McDonald's. Dinner was fajitas at Los Hermones. We spent the entire day driving, so no exercise.

Saturday - Stress makes me eat in two different ways. 1) I eat. And eat. And eat. Or 2) I forget to eat. Today, was one of those days. I had to make a birthday cake for my nephew (and of course, I wanted it to be perfect). I didn't even take time to make coffee, I just jumped right in to make frosting and working on the cake. At 1, I realized, I was running late. I hurried and showered and headed for Vernal. About 10 miles down the road, I realized, I hadn't eaten a single thing yet today. But I was late, so I didn't stop. Silly me, I should have realized I would still be the first one there. I got there at 2. Then we waited until 3 for everyone else to get there. So I finally ate at 3:30. It was so hard to pace myself and not eat everything in sight. The only thing I didn't stop myself on was grapes. I had a ton. Then I had a hot dog and a hot link, both without buns. Then we had cake and ice cream.

Sunday - Oh my, there is no food in my house. I got up and started right into housework and didn't stop until I was done around noon. That is when I realized, I should have gone to the store yesterday. I found a box of mac n cheese, so I ate half for lunch and half for dinner. I also finished off the popcorn I bought a few weeks ago. I rearranged the furniture in my front room, so I decided to count that as my exercise for the day.

Monday - It feels so good to get back into a routine. Vacation is nice, but after awhile, I miss regular life. Curves in the morning and I walked on both of my breaks. Breakfast was coffee and yogurt w/ granola. Lunch was a salad from Maverick. I always get the chicken salad, but today they were out, so I got the chef salad instead. It was gross. So I only ate a little bit and then didn't bother to save it for the next day. As I was finishing lunch, another coworker heated hers up. It was tomato soup and it smelt divine! Its not often I have a craving I feel like I can indulge in, but last night I did! I usually have a cheese sandwich with tomato soup, but I was out of bread. But it smelt so good at lunch, I had to have it anyways. And it was delish. :)

 Tuesday - Curves in the morning. Breakfast was coffee and yogurt w/ granola. I tried a new brand today, Oikos Greek Yogurt, and I really liked it. Lunch was half a Maverick chicken salad (much better then yesterday). Dinner, sigh. I really need to go grocery shopping. But I'm cross training at work so I haven't had even a free second to write a list. And if I go without a list, I don't make the healthiest choices. Last night, it was a battle. I finally had to yell (just in my head) at myself to go buy SOMETHING so I at least had something to eat for dinner. Cause if I went home with no groceries, there literally would have been no dinner. So I went to the store. It was insanely busy! Each checker had 6 people in their line, and each of those people had a cart full. So I grabbed some milk and tomato soup. Then I got in the "express" lane to be an example of what a few items really means, but the people in line with me, still had cart fulls. Grrr. So dinner was tomato soup again. And the rest of the week doesn't look any less busy of getting a list put together. And I didn't do it tonight because I was tired. I showered, dried my hair, ate dinner and went to bed. Grrr. Oh, and I only did Curves today, no walks. :(

Wednesday - Curves in the morning and I walked on both of my breaks today. Breakfast was coffee and yogurt w/ granola. Lunch was the other half of the salad from yesterday. I spent an hour in the grocery store tonight. I had planned out meals for the weekend when Josh is home, but I forgot to plan for tonight! I was just ready to go home, so I decided to see what they had in Lean Cuisine and got a pizza. It was small, but yummy.

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