Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 27

I bought a new swimsuit and I feel pretty sexy in it. I wasn't going to buy one until next year, but I suddenly needed one for a get away weekend. I have the one I bought last year, but it is HUGE. I've been wearing it when I get in my mom's hottub, but I'm always alone when I do that, so I don't mind how it seems to fall off of me. But knowing I was going to be in a pool with other people, I decided to just buy a suit now. It is the end of summer so the pickins were slim, but they did seem to be a little cheaper. Josh is a dud and wouldn't go swimming with us, but he still made sure to tell me how nice I looked in my suit.

I did try to get Josh to share a meal with me when we ate out for lunch one day, but then realized we didn't want the same thing. It was at Panda Express. Really, he'll eat anything and be fine so I probably could've gotten away with it. But when he wanted rice, while I wanted chow mein, I decided I didn't want to share with him and make him eat only the stuff I wanted. And that worked out because he ordered spicy stuff I dont' like anyways.

Overall, I think this life style change is taking affect. I went shopping the other night and was STARVING. The Halloween candy is out and it was so tempting, but instead I had a protien shake. I finally got brave a few weeks ago and tried the Protein Plus Chocolate drink by Bolthouse Farms. The label has words like "soy" and "whey" on it, and I was worried that would ruin the chocolate taste. But I didn't think it tasted like a diet drink at all. It may now be my favorite. I think I could give up soda pop for this stuff, but its a little more expensive.

Speaking of soda, I'm down to usually one can a day at work. On the weekends, sometimes I have one, sometimes I don't. But man, do I miss the leaded stuff! I'd go back in a heartbeat if it didn't make me gain weight. But I just can't kick the caffiene habit enough to give it up altogether.

I ended the week by wearing a shirt I haven't worn in YEARS. I wouldn't have even still had it in my closet, but it was my absolute favorite Halloween shirt. It felt so good to fit in it.

1 comment:

Mary Bergfeld said...

You must be so happy to be achieving your goals. It sounds like you are doing really well. This is my first visit to your blog, but I will be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary