Friday, October 14, 2011

Ugh, I absolutely HATE my body right now. As in I never want to eat again. I wasted my entire day trying to find a Halloween costume. I started the day out so proud, I've lost almost 50 pounds, I should be able to find something. ........ I tried on costumes at 6 different stores today. SIX! Nothing fit. Usually, because my arms are to fat. At one store I tried on 4 different costumes, the worker was sweet. But she just kept pointing me to more costumes with tight sleeves. Well, except the pioneer costume. Pioneer? Why did I even bother loosing all this weight? I'm too small to fit in the plus size costumes, but too big to fit in the regular sizes. Its had me in tears all day. How is it Halloween is just about candy, yet they only makes costumes for the super skinny people.

So now I'm back to plan B. I'll just wear and apron and be a chef for Halloween. It doesn't sound near as fun, but at least the apron fits. Stupid body, I hate you.

I guess I should mention that my options are slim to begin with because just about every costume screams SLUT. If the company is called Leg Appeal, you know you aren't going to find anything in their section. And I did find one costume that was close. But it was way too long. I couldn't justify spending that much on a dress that was going to drag the ground several inches.

Maybe next year...

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